If you're ever playing family trivia and someone asks "What's your grandma's favorite household chore?" the answer is doing the dishes.
It goes against actual recorded history because I know for a fact that my mother never witnessed this "favorite" while I was growing up. But seriously who has a favorite chore when you're little? Some things just take growing up to appreciate, and when you become the maker of your own home with all the chores then you begin to pick favorites.
Doing dishes is relaxing to me but the main reason I like it is that when you are done you have something to show for it--a clean sink, a clean counter, things in order. It's SO much better than its closely-related chore--emptying the dishwasher. (They're like twins! A good twin and a bad twin, in my opinion.) After you empty, the kitchen looks exactly the same. Such an unrewarding task.
Because I disliked this chore so much I once did a test. During a commercial on TV I hurried to empty the dishwasher and was surprised that it only took a few minutes. I bet you will find the same thing with most chores--they just don't take that long once you get going. Often our complaining and procrastinating take up way more time than the actual job to do!
I grew up in a family with a Mom and a Dad, three sisters, and four brothers. That's doing dishes for 10 people, people! And when I was maybe 12 or so, our dishwasher broke down. I don't know how long we went without one but I do remember the washing dishes by hand. I may not have walked barefoot uphill in the snow to school but I hand-washed dishes for a larrrrge family. While washing I used to make up stories about being a kitchen servant in a castle and a handsome prince would come take me away from all those dishes.
Now I must mention pots and pans. For some reason us kids never felt like those were part of doing dishes. If they didn't fit into the dishwasher then we left them piled in the sink or on the counter. Did we think the Pots and Pans Fairy was going to magically scrub them during the night? Again, when you make your own home you get to be that fairy unless you have better children than my mom did...otherwise the pot stops here, with you.
Now if the opposite question comes up during family trivia...my least favorite? I don't enjoy sweeping. I also don't like drying dishes because then you have to put them away and that feels like emptying!